About Us

About Us
Trung Tâm Nghiên cứu giới gia đình và phát triển cộng đồng

Trung tâm nghiên cứu Giới, Gia đình và Phát triển cộng đồng (GFCD) là tổ chức phi chính phủ, không lợi nhuận, được thành lập từ tháng 8 năm 2000, trực thuộc Viện Tư vấn phát triển nông thôn miền núi (CISDOMA). Từ tháng 12/2012 tách ra thành một tổ chức độc lập do Sở Khoa học và Công nghệ thành phố Hà Nội cấp phép

Vision and mission

Our vision:

Toward fairness and equality for women

Our mission:

1. Toward gender equality, protection of the legitimate rights and interests of women; joining hand in building plentiful, equal, progressive and happy Vietnamese family, for an equitable, democratic and civilized society;

2. Acting as a bridge linking community and scientists and policy makers, bringing people’s voice to the law and policy making process through participatory approach.

Our work:

1. Research and implementation of programs/projects on gender equality; family; domestic violence prevention; protection of migrant workers’ rights; poverty reduction; response to climate change;

2. Participating in policy advocacy, bringing the voice of the community to the legislative and law and policy-making process;

3. Capacity building for migrant workers and women in ethnic minority and disadvantaged areas and vulnerable groups

4. Coordinating with the media in organizing communication activities in the community to raise awareness on gender equality; family; domestic violence; labor rights and social protection.


Our core values

The Research Center for Gender, Family and Community Development (GFCD) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization, established in August 2000, under the Consultative Institute for Socio-Economic Development of Rural and Mountainous Areas (CISDOMA). From December 2012, GFCD  became an independent organization licensed by the Hanoi Department of Science and Technology.

Our core values:

Our team

All GFCD staffs and collaborators have university or postgraduate degrees in education, social, gender and development and health care, etc. They have experience in science researches and project implementation in rural, mountainous and remote areas.

In addition, GFCD has collaborators working in a variety of fields for our following goals and working areas: Gender - Gender Equality; Domestic violence prevention; Labor rights; Environment; Healthcare; education; Population/family planning - Reproductive healthcare, etc. All of them are scientists, experts with extensive experience in research, development of training materials, communication - education and seasoned in Project implementation in the community.

Ngo Thi Ngoc Anh, Dr(x2)

GFCD Founder, Director

"With the desire to be self-reliant, to be satisfied with burning passion... and to bring the love of life, justice and equality for women, who are disadvantaged in society; and with our dedicated friends - We work hard for GFCD development and sustainability!"

Nguyen Thi Hue, M.A


"GFCD is where I realize my passion, contributing my small part to community development and helping vulnerable women less disadvantaged in society. What is more important is to improve myself!"

Nguyen Minh Trang, BA

Project Officer

GFCD has created many opportunities for a young bachelor like me. I have learned a lot from the working style and professional skills of other members in the organization

Our partners